On March 14, Garage switched to self-isolation mode. While the Museum, Education Center, Library, and Archive are closed, the entire team is working online.
The temporary closure of Garage has turned the daily functioning of the Museum on its head. Self-isolation means responsibility and care for one another and also entails a noticeable change in time and space. As the spaces that we and our visitors inhabit shrink, the borders of the Museum expand.
What happens on these pages when our buildings are closed is not an ‘online presence.’ It is an experiment; an attempt to determine the new functions of the museum as a point of intersection for various relationships, intellectual contexts, and unique voices. We are not simply accumulating rare or unusual material. We are inventing new forms of interaction with projects, the public program, and the archive. We are broadcasting everything we can and inviting artists to create special projects.
We no longer have an SMM team. We are using the time credit we have been given to get to know our visitors and contact them directly. On ‘the other side’ are the Garage team: self-isolated and therefore passionately involved in our common project.